So as part of one of those dreaded New Year’s resolutions, I decided to step up my game concerning my open like a 24-hour Wal-Mart social calendar.  This did not translate into filling up my calendar doing more girl bonding activities, I’ve had my fill of those, but it meant being purposeful in both meeting and engaging in activities with members of the opposite sex.  Uh huh…that’s right, I said it.  I wanted to go on more dates!  A Christian woman that wants to go on dates you ask?  Yes!  12 Dates in 12 Months to be exact, and considering the fact that I’ve had approximately one date in the last 6 years (not including the time that I was in a committed and exclusive relationship) this is a daunting and formidable feat for me.  But heck it’s time that Christian women stopped sitting in the pews waiting for God to seat a fine-employed-God-fearing-humorous-respectable… [insert the rest of your wish list]…Mr. Right beside us.  I have participated in my fair share of conversations with women both Christian and non-Christian alike which begin and end with a heavy sigh and the question, “Where are all the good men?”  Well, I have decided that I will embark on a journey to get to know more members of the male species through the “ominous and mysterious” dating process so that I can 1) enjoy a more abundant life through increasing my social sphere and involvement in social activities, and 2) perhaps meet someone who I would be interested in pursuing a committed and mutually edifying relationship.  So there it is in a nutshell the whole crazy plan…but, I’m sure I haven’t even begun to answer your questions about this hair-brained scheme.  So I’ve provided a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section so that you can have your questions answered!  If you want to add any questions drop me a line and I’ll try to answer them the best I can!

So that’s pretty much it for now…please check out the site every week, as each week you’ll find new stories and anecdotes about my personal pursuit to increase the amount of dates that I go on this year.  I plan on writing about life, love and relationships.  If you have any questions or comments please post them or if you want them addressed anonymously then email me at and I will try my best to address them.  

Please note that this blog will be written from a decidedly and purposefully Christian perspective.  I make no apologies for who I am or where my value system lies.  That being said though, please stop by and share your thoughts, opinons, comments, experiences whether your Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, etc.  I welcome varying opinions and it is my desire and hope that this blog will be used as a forum to discuss issues such as dating that are common to the human experience! 

P.S.   Please tell your friends and family about this site…as they say, the more the merrier!

P.P.S.  Men please don’t let all the pink scare you off…LOL!  I look forward to reading about your comments and opinions…hey and you never know you may get a peak into the female psyche…and for free too ! 🙂 

See you next week amigos!

Bernadette A

The Pink Blogger